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The city where
it all started.

The idea for AMBOSS was created in an apartment in Cologne when a group of future doctors, the founding team, decided to reinvent how medical knowledge is consumed and applied. This started a transformational shift in medical education, bringing the principles of 21st Century education to medical knowledge. One year later, more than 95% of German future doctors were studying with AMBOSS.

AMBOSS Cologne office

“It shaped the heart and soul of the German product, and is an important place in the AMBOSS journey.

Cologne is an important hub for the medical editorial team, with the medical leadership and Editors in Chief based here. As the AMBOSS team grew and the company culture evolved, we continued to bring the humble, down to earth approach that started in Cologne to our other offices.

Located a quick 15 minute walk from Cologne Central Station, the office is within the Hansaring, surrounded by restaurants. AMBOSSians are always happy to share their favorite local places with new hires and visitors.

Life in Cologne

There is a saying many AMBOSSians (and locals) in Cologne live by: “it is what it is, what comes will come, and it always turns out okay anyway.” We work hard and do great work, but don’t take life too seriously.

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Meet the team in Cologne